Artificial Sweeteners Are Not Necessarily Bad for Your Teeth

Table of Contents
- Types
- Sugar & Your Teeth
- Artificial Sweeteners vs Sugar & Your Teeth
- Artificial Sweeteners & Oral health
- Are They Bad for You?
- Tips for Oral Health
- Frequently Asked Questions
- References
If you were to pick people randomly on the street and ask if sweet foods and beverages are bad for teeth, a significant majority would say yes without a second thought. While this may be true in some cases, there’s more than meets the eye.
In fact, according to The National Institutes of Health (NIH), sugar increases your risk of tooth decay and cavities. But a variety of foods and beverages that people consider sweet today do not have sugar as an ingredient. Instead, they have artificial sweeteners.
Artificial sweeteners are sugar substitutes that replicate the sweetness of sugar but, unlike sugar, have little to no calories.
Most artificial sweeteners are sweeter than actual sugar, but the lack of real sugar means bacteria cannot use food debris as fuel and cannot set the stage for rotting teeth.
On the other hand, notes the Harvard Medical School, all artificial sweeteners are not created equal.
Types of Artificial Sweeteners
Artificial sweeteners, also called sugar substitutes, are made from chemicals and natural substances and are found in various foods and drinks labeled as “sugar-free.”
The following sweeteners are approved by the FDA as food additives in the United States:
Acesulfame potassium (Ace-K)
Does not contain calories
200 times sweeter than sucrose
Brand names include NutraSweet, Sugar Twin, Equal.
Primarily used to sweeten diet soft drinks but also used as a general-purpose sweetener for chewing gum, cold breakfast cereals and as a tabletop sweetener
Does not contain calories
200 to 700 times sweeter than sugar
Brand names include Sweet ’N’ Low, Necta Sweet, Sweet and Low, and Sweet Twin
Used in beverages, processed foods, cooking or table use substitute for sugar, fruit juice drinks
Contains few calories
Often combined with other sweeteners
200 times sweeter than sucrose
Used in baked goods, frozen desserts, beverages, and candies
Often combined with saccharin in diet soft drinks
600 times sweeter than sucrose
Used in baked goods, chewing gum, beverages, frozen dairy desserts and gelatins
Found in many diet drinks and foods
Made from vanillin and aspartame but 100 times sweeter than aspartame and 20,000 times sweeter than sucrose
Used as a food flavor enhancer (except in poultry and meat), general-purpose sweetener
30-60 times as sweet as aspartame but 7,000 to 13,000 times as sweet as sugar
Used as a general-purpose sweetener, food flavor enhancer (except poultry and meat)
Sugar and Your Teeth
According to the Journal of Dental Research, sugar (sucrose) is the most cariogenic dietary carbohydrate, which means it is the one most likely to cause tooth decay. However, sugar does not cause tooth decay directly – it is just a catalyst.
Bacteria in the mouth feed on the fermentable sugar left behind and break it down into acids which combine with food debris, saliva, and bacteria to form plaque. This substance sticks to your teeth and wears away at your tooth enamel which eventually creates cavities.
Cavities can grow deeper over time as the decay spreads down to the tooth's pulp.
Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend that the consumption of added sugar should not exceed 10 percent of your daily calorie intake. In addition to the potential risk of weight gain and lifestyle diseases, sugar is harmful to your teeth.
Common sources of added sugar include:
Soft drinks
Fruit drinks
Ready-to-eat cereals
Yeasty breads
Grain-based desserts
Artificial Sweeteners vs. Sugar and Your Teeth
In contrast to sugar, artificial sweeteners are not fermentable and are considered non-cariogenic. Additionally, most have little or no calories.
In effect, bacteria cannot use artificial sweeteners as food like they would with natural sugar. Without another food source, the bacteria will die, which essentially protects your teeth.
However, most foods and drinks that use artificial sweeteners instead of sugar also have other elements that can cause tooth decay. Case in point, although some artificial sweeteners used in diet soft drinks may not cause cavities, the drinks are very acidic, which by itself erodes the enamel and can cause cavities.
How Do Artificial Sweeteners Affect Oral Health & Your Teeth?
A study by The International Journal of Basic & Clinical Pharmacology (IJBCP), artificial sweeteners do not contribute to tooth decay. An article in the British Dental Journal also notes that sucralose does not affect tooth decay.
The IJBCP study shows that artificial sweeteners do not contribute to tooth decay and, in fact also work against it by balancing your salivary pH and thus decreasing the amount of decay-causing bacteria in the mouth.
Are Artificial Sweeteners Bad for You?
While artificial sweeteners provide some benefits for your teeth and oral health, this does not mean that foods and drinks containing non-nutritive sweeteners are superior. Regardless, dental professionals urge patients to cut back on sugar.
Replacing sugary foods and drinks with foods containing artificial sweeteners is just flipping different sides of the same coin. In the case of diet soda, it does not give you extra calories or deliver the nutrition you need, even though its acidity can contribute to decay.
However, as mentioned above, consumption of sweeteners should be limited to the FDA-recommended acceptable daily intake (ADI) as follows:
Saccharin - 15 milligrams per kilogram body weight per day
Aspartame - 50 milligrams per kilogram body weight per day
Acesulfame Potassium - 15 milligrams per kilogram body weight per day
Neotame - 0.3 milligrams per kilogram body weight per day
Sucralose - 5 milligrams per kilogram body weight per day
Advantame - 32.8 milligrams per kilogram body weight per day
Tips for Good Oral Health with Eating Artificial Sweeteners
Among the top tips for improving your dental health while eating foods with artificial sweeteners:
Drink more water (preferably fluoridated) to reduce tooth decay.
Consume the foods or drinks with artificial sweeteners quickly to give your saliva a better chance to neutralize pH in your mouth quickly.
Use a straw to keep damaging sugars and acids away from your teeth.
Rinse your mouth with water after having drinks or foods sweetened with artificial sweeteners to wash away remnant sugars and acids, then wait 30 to 60 minutes before brushing your teeth. Brushing immediately can erode the recently attacked softened tooth layer.
Avoid acidic foods and drinks before bedtime.
Keep up with regular dental checkups.
Frequently Asked Questions
Xylitol, which is a natural sugar replacement found in many sugar-free gums, is not bad for your teeth since bacteria cannot break it down as use it as food.
Yes. Aspartame leads to high amounts of acidity in the mouth, which causes cavities
Stevia does not contain fermented carbohydrates which means it cannot be broken down by mouth bacteria into acid and turned into plaque. A study published by The Journal of Carries Research concluded that Stevia is non-acidogenic which means it supports oral health. However, Splenda causes high amounts of acidity in the mouth which is bad for teeth and oral health.