What Are the Best Dental Insurance Plans for 2022?

Table of Contents
- Guardian Direct
- Cigna
- Humana
- Renaissance
- United Healthcare
- Delta Dental
- Spirit Dental
- Physicians Mutual
- References
Dental insurance cuts your out-of-pocket dental expenses. When you need dental cleanings, cavity repair, braces, or clear aligners, your insurance plan could help you afford your treatment.
But only about half of adults with private health insurance have dental coverage. If you lack critical protection for your teeth, it's time to shop.
We've compiled a list of the best dental insurance coverage plans for 2022 and what they have to offer.
Guardian Direct Dental Insurance
Guardian Direct offers both individual and family dental plans starting as low as $20 per month. More than 120,000 dentists participate in this network.
Choose from four tiers of dental plans:
Diamond: Get full coverage for all dental health issues, from cleanings to procedures and more.
Achiever: Comprehensive coverage for most dental health issues is included here. You may pay more for significant services, including orthodontics.
Core: Reliable coverage for basic services is included. Expect higher copayments, and some services aren't covered.
Starter: Preventive care is covered here, but the rest is up to you.
Choose dental professionals within the Guardian Direct network, and you'll pay less than if you choose doctors who don't participate. PPO (or preferred provider organization) plans all work like this.
With more than 92,000 in-network dentists and dental specialists in nearly 310,000 locations, Cigna dental plans are easy to use.
Three options exist:
Cigna Dental 1500: Pay an average of $39 per month and pay nothing for preventive care. If you need orthodontics care, choose this plan. It's the only Cigna option with an orthodontic benefit.
Cigna Dental 1000: Pay an average of $33 per month and pay nothing for preventive care. Orthodontia isn't covered, but restorative care is.
Cigna Dental Preventive: Pay an average of $19 for this starter plan. Pay nothing for preventive care, but all other expenses are yours to cover.
Humana Dental Insurance
Humana has a large network of over 335,000 in-network dentists and specialist locations. Most plans become effective within about a week with no waiting periods. And plenty of plan options exist.
Choose from these:
Complete Dental Plan
Humana Complete Dental Plan covers preventative services, such as two oral exams, two teeth cleanings, two topical fluoride treatments, and one oral evaluation per year at 100 percent with no deductible if you stay in-network.
Prepare for copayments for things like fillings, and you'll have to cover some of the fees associated with major services, such as dentures and crowns. Plans start at $44 per month.
Loyalty Plus Plan
The Humana Loyalty Plus Plan has no copays, and your benefit packages get better the longer you're a member. The plan rewards your loyalty by increasing the annual benefit maximum each year for the first three years from $1,000 in the first year to $1,250 in the second, and $1,500 in the third year.
Preventive services are covered 100 percent, and basic services are covered at 40 percent in your first year, 55 percent in your second year, and 70 percent from the third year on. Major dental services are covered at 20 percent your first year, 30 percent your second year, and 50 percent from your third year on. Plans start at $28 per month.
Preventive Plus Dental Plan
The Humana Preventive Plus Dental Plan covers preventative services 100 percent with no copays with a low annual deductible of $50 per individual and $150 for the family. Annual maximums are $1,000.
Basic services are covered at 50 percent after a six-month waiting period, and there is often a discount on major services. Plans start at $18 per month.
Renaissance Dental Plans
Renaissance Dental has 300,000 dental access points available, allowing you to choose dental professionals all across the country.
Three plan types are available, but be aware that Renaissance bases prices on your age and where you live. No generic pricing is available online, so we can't tell you how much you'll pay.
Choose from these options:
Plan II: Diagnostic and preventative services, such as exams and cleanings, are 50 percent covered, as are minor services, such as x-rays. Major services, including dentures and oral surgery, are covered at 50 percent with a 12-month waiting period. Prepare for a $50 deductible and benefits are capped at $1,000 per year.
Plan III: Diagnostic and preventative services are covered at 100 percent for in-network providers and 80 percent for out-of-network providers. Basic services are covered between 50 percent and 100 percent in-network with a six-month waiting period. Most major services are covered at 50 percent with a waiting period of 12 months.
Essentials Plan: Diagnostic and preventative services are covered at 100 percent, with no waiting period both in-network and out-of-network. Only minor restorative services, such as silver and white fillings, are covered at 50 percent with a six-month waiting period. Major services are not covered. There is no deductible.
United Healthcare Dental Insurance
United Healthcare offers several tiers of dental coverage, with the essential plan starting at around $20 per month, depending on your state, age, and smoking status.
Ten plan types are available, including these versions:
Essential: These plans cover basics like cleaning and dental exams.
Primary: These plans include coverage for major services, but you might have to wait to use them.
Premier: These deluxe plans cover both major and minor services. Some come with an orthodontic benefit too.
Delta Dental Plans
Delta Dental specializes in insurance plans for dental well-being. Plans and rates vary by state, but most include coverage for preventive services (like cleanings), and some offer protection for major issues (including orthodontics).
Four basic plan types are available:
PPO: Choose a dentist or orthodontist from the Delta Dental network, and you will save money. Opt for care outside of the network, and you will pay more.
HMO: Use Delta Dental's network of dentists and get coverage for preventive care only.
Direct: Choose from a network of participating dentists and pay a discounted fee for the services you need. No paperwork is required.
Fee for service: Pay only your copayment and deductible for care provided by network dentists.
HMO plans have the smallest premium, and they can save you a lot of money. Delta Dental doesn't make monthly fees available, so you will need to shop online to find the plan you can afford.
Spirit Dental
Spirit Dental is a relative newcomer to the insurance field, but it's the right choice for people who want a low monthly fee and a lot of control. Plans start at just $36 per month, and many plans allow you to choose any dentist you'd like.
Two plan types are available:
Spirit Choice: Most services are covered between 50 and 100 percent. Visit any dentist you'd like, and get care right away. There are no waiting periods.
Spirit Network: Stay within the Spirit Dental network to save the most money. Pay less for services like implants.
Physicians Mutual
Physicians Mutual has more than 500,000 provider locations to serve you, and all three plan types pay for more than 350 procedures. Plans differ in how much they cover for each of those services.
All three plan types cover these things:
Preventive care: Cleanings, x-rays, and exams are covered, and you can take advantage right away.
Basic treatments: Fillings, tooth extractions, and minor oral surgeries are covered, but you can't use this benefit for three months.
Major therapy: After 12 months, you can get coverage for root canals, surgery, and dentures.
Prices vary by state and your age. Request a quote from the company to determine your fee.